Monday, 16 September 2019

elementary number theory - Find the remainder when $ 528528528...$up to $528$ digits is divided by $27$?

Find the remainder when $528528528...$up to $528$ digits is divided by $27$?
Here's what I have done: The number can be written as $528\cdot 10^{525}+528\cdot 10^{522}+...+528$ which has $176$ terms and each term is $\equiv15 \mod 27$ thus the number should be $176*15 \mod 27$ hence $21$ should be the remainder. But book says it is $6$. I don't understand the flaw in my logic. Please correct me.


Here is a python3 session

>>> s = '528' * 176
>>> len(s)
>>> int(s) % 27

1 comment:

  1. Isn’t that addition of all the digits methodology applicable for divisibility by 3 and 9, I am not sure if you can apply the same to 27?


real analysis - How to find $lim_{hrightarrow 0}frac{sin(ha)}{h}$

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