Let f:A→B. If {B1,B2,…,Bn} is a partition of B, prove that {f−1(B1),f−1(B2),…,f−1(Bn)} is partition of A.
I approached it like following:
Since f−1 exists f must be one one and onto. So for each x in A there is one distinct image in B under A. Converse, "for each y in B there is distinct pre-image under f". This implies that we can define a set Ai⊆A which is the set of all elements in A whose image lies in Bi under the f i.e., Ai=−1f(Bi). Since f is onto f covers all of B and hence union of Ais is equal to A.
Since Bi is non-empty set, there exist a y in Bi such that f(x)=y. This means that x is pre-image of y under f. Hence x belongs to Ai. So Ai is non empty set.
Now since Bi∩Bj is empty if i≠j, them there is no y such that it belongs to both Bi and Bj. Now f is one one so there is no pre-image x such that it belongs to both Ai and Aj. So Ai∩Aj is empty. Hence set of all Ais form a partition of A.
I think my logic is correct but can someone help me writing it in formal way. Also since there is one one correspondence between equivalence relations and partitions, how to approach this using relations.
No, here f is not necessarily a bijection. This is my hint: show that if X,Y⊂B then
where the preimage f−1(X):={a∈A:f(a)∈X}.
Can you take it from here?
Edit. As regards the intersection-property, see how to prove f−1(B1∩B2)=f−1(B1)∩f−1(B2) . The union-property can be shown in a similar way.
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