Wednesday, 20 April 2016

real analysis - Proving an inequality using the mean value theorem

I am trying to show that


for the function f to be defined as f:[0,+)[0,+), f(x)=(1+x2)1/2, using the mean value theorem.

I have done this:

Since f is differentiable on [0,+), then there is a point x0, $x


by the mean value theorem. Hence,


where M is a constant.

Can someone tell me if this is correct?



  • First prove the general result: if f:RR is a differentiable function and |f(x)|<M for all xR then for all x,yR the inequality |f(x)f(y)|<M|xy|

    holds. The proof is very similar to what you have done in the question.

  • Next prove that if f(x)=1+x2 then |f(x)|<1. To do this consider f(x)2=x21+x2.

  • Combinding the two results above gives the desired result.

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