Story 1:
Let there be a bowl $A$ with countably infinite many of candies indexed by $\mathbb{N}$. Let bowl $B$ be empty.
- After $1/2$ unit of time, we take candy number 1 and 2 from $A$ and put them in $B$. Then we eat candy 1 from bowl $B$.
- After $1/4$ unit of time, we take candy number 3 and 4 from $A$ and put them in $B$. Then we eat candy 2 from bowl B.
- After $(1/2)^n$ unit of time, we take candy number $2n-1$ and $2n$ from $A$ and put them in $B$. Then we eat candy $n$ from bowl $B$.
What happens after 1 unit of time? How many candies are there left in $A$, how many in $B$, how many have you eaten? Answer:
There are no candies in $A$ left. For any candy corresponding to a given natural number $k$, one can compute the time it was eaten. Similarly there are no candies in $B$. We ate as many candies as the cardinality of $\mathbb{N}$.
Story 2:
Let there be a bowl $A$ with countably infinite many of candies indexed by $\mathbb{N}$. Let bowl $B$ be empty.
- After $1/2$ unit of time, we take candy number 1 and 2 from $A$ and put them in $B$. Then we eat candy 1 from bowl $B$.
- After $1/4$ unit of time, we take candy number 3 and 4 from $A$ and put them in $B$. Then we eat candy 3 from bowl B.
- After $(1/2)^n$ unit of time, we take candy number $2n-1$ and $2n$ from $A$ and put them in $B$. Then we eat candy $2n-1$ from bowl $B$.
What happens after 1 unit of time? How many candies are there left in $A$, how many in $B$, how many have you eaten? Answer:
As before, there are no candies in $A$ left. All the candies labelled by even numbers are in $B$, so there are countably many. We ate all the candies labelled by odd numbers, so we ate countably many.
The main question is, in both stories we do essentially the same thing: take two candies from $A$ to $B$, then eat one from $B$. The difference is that in the second case we have infinitely many candies left in $B$, but in the first case it was empty after 1 unit of time. So how did this happen?
Imagine this situation: let $X$ be conducting the eating according to story 1 with his labeling, let $Y$ be watching. But $Y$ secretly has a different labeling scheme in his mind, where the candy number $k$ in $X$'s labeling is candy number $2k-1$ in $Y$'s labeling. Then after unit time, according to $Y$, there should be infinitely many candies in $A$ but according to $X$ it should be empty. So the reality depends on the spectator?
So as you said according to person X, there will be no candies left. Lets take a look, then, at what Y observes.
From person Y's point of view:
First X moves candy 1 and 3 and from bowl A to B, then eats candy 1. Next, X moves candy 5 and 7 (3 and 4 by X's labeling) to B and eats 3. This continues for infinitely many steps. At this point person Y sees every odd candy eaten. Note that according to Y, the even candies never existed. So Y as well sees that there are no candies left in the bowls.
You may also be interested in these two links:
A strange puzzle having two possible solutions
Ross–Littlewood paradox
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