Friday, 10 April 2015

soft question - Book recommendations for highschool/undergrad calculus

I am looking for a book recommendations for learning calculus for high school or under graduation level can you suggest me some good books which have the proper theory and can very well be used to self teach yourself.

I am looking for a book in calculus that pose over topics like:
[This is the prescribed syllabus for my course]

Differential calculus

Real valued functions of a real variable, Into, onto and one-to-one functions, sum
difference, product and quotient of two functions, composite functions, absolute value,
polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Limit and continuity of a function, limit and continuity of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, L'Hospital rule of evaluation of limits of functions. Even and odd functions, inverse of a function, continuity of composite functions intermediate value property of continuous Functions.

Derivative of a function, derivative of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two
functions, chain rule, derivatives of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, inverse
trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions,
Derivatives of implicit functions, derivatives up to order two, geometrical interpretation
of the derivative, tangents and normals. Increasing and decreasing functions, maximum
and minimum values of a function, Rolle's theorem and I lagrange's mean value theorem.

Integral calculus

Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, indefinite integrals of standard

functions, definite integrals and their properties, fundamental theorem of integral
Integration by parts, integration by the methods of substitution and partial fractions.
Application of definite integrals to the determination of areas involving simple Curves
Formation of ordinary differential equations, solution of homogeneous differential
equations, separation of variables method, lincar first order differential equations.

Please is you know some good books ,please help me !! :)

I am going to study maths in future (I don't want a book that just touches the topics just for the sake of it, but something that goes deep into the concepts to build a very strong foundation which can help me tackle hard problems...

Edit: Actually I am from India , and as far I know in USA , the highschool mathematics is a lot less than what it is in India. I'm still in highschool and just included the Undergrad so that I can get something more . But what I forgot to mention was only the first year maybe... That is why I also included the syllabus . I think something like topological introduction to limits might be too much of an overkill


So I guess you are looking for a book on mathematical analysis for mathematicians. I would recommend Zorich's Mathematical Analysis. Pretty much everything in your syllabus can be found (and of course there's a lot more). The reason why I like this book is that it introduces limit (which I believe is a notion that distinguishes college math from high-school math) from a topological point of view. This kind of view can be very beneficial to your future study and to understanding what you are learning.

Another book is The Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis by Gregory Mikhailovich Fichtenholz (Fikhtengol'ts). I usually use this as a reference because it covers a great number of topics.

Of course I've also heard of other great books like Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis, but I haven't read them through so can't really comment on them.

Some non-rigorous calculus or non-mathematician-oriented calculus can also be helpful in intuitive explanations of concepts and motivations, which is rarely seen in the texts for professionals. Examples of such books are Calculus by Larson and Edwards, Calculus: Early Transcendentals by Stewart and Calculus by Thomas. The good thing about them is that they contain a lot of examples, pictures, backgrounds and real-life applications (and they are colorful). The disadvantage is that they are too long (usually one book is more than 1000 pages, but only covers half of the contents of their counterparts for math major students). And they don't teach you to think like a mathematician.

The ones I mentioned may not be suitable for everyone, and I am just pointing out why I like them or not. The bottom line is you should find one you like. And it is never a bad idea to read more than you plan to.

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