Thursday, 26 June 2014

real analysis - Unique uniformly continuous function into complete space

Let M1,M2 be metric spaces such that M2 is complete. Let f be a uniformly continuous function from a subset X of M1 into M2. Suppose that ¯X=M1. Prove that f has a unique uniformly continuous extension from M1 into M2 (that is, prove that there exists a unique uniformly continuous function g from M1 into M2 such that g|X=f.)

I'm not sure where to start on this one... how can I extend a uniformly continuous function from X to M1?


Because X is dense in M1, any xM1 is the limit of a sequence (xn) in X.

  • Show that (f(xn)) is a Cauchy sequence. In particulier, (f(xn)) converges.

  • Show that if (yn) is another sequence converging to x, then (f(xn)) and (f(yn)) have the same limit.

Thus, you can extend f by f(x)=limn+f(xn).

  • To conclude, show that if g is another extension of f, then f=g (the key property is that X is dense in M1).

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