I'm a 19 year old, who will be 20 in may.
I didn't go to the greatest high school, and I didn't get the proper education to prepare me for college.
I need to make a study plan for myself to truly learn and understand what I will need to complete a degree in Computer Science.
My studies will start with algebra. My plan so far looks like:
Algebra -- > Trig --> Pre-cal -- > cal1-3 (will try to teach myself Mechanics and Electromagnetism together with calc) --> linear alg --> ?????
Does it look good so far? Would you change anything about the order I will be learning? Any books you would recommend for any of those subjects??
It's a long road until im finished with linear alg so I'll ask about what I should do when trying to go further when I actually reach that point.
Thank you very much.
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