Today Question
if a>14, show that
I have konw that solution:
let a=1,x=0,then we have
But for (1) I have
Then I can't ,Thank you for your help.
Complete the square in the summand to get
Note that the sum is symmetric and equal to
so that we may use the residue theorem to evaluate the sum. I will skip the steps involved in deriving the general result, but will just state it here:
where the z_k are poles of f, which obeys certain integrability conditions. Details may be found elsewhere within this site.
In this case,
f(z) = \frac{1}{\left ( z-\frac12\right)^2+\left (a-\frac14\right)}
which has poles z_{\pm} = \frac12 \pm i \sqrt{a-\frac14}. The sum is therefore equal to
-\frac{\pi}{2} 2 \Re{\left [\frac{\cot{\pi \left ( \frac12 + i \sqrt{a-\frac14}\right )}}{i 2 \sqrt{a-\frac14}} \right ]} = \frac{\pi}{\sqrt{4 a-1}} \tanh{\left ( \pi \sqrt{4 a-1}\right)}
which matches the result to be shown.
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