Monday, 23 November 2015

complex numbers - Find a connection how the real part of z depends on the imaginary part

Find a connection how the real part of z depends on the imaginary part, if the following two conditions for the complex number z apply:

  1. |z|=k, where k is a real number.

  2. The real part and the imaginary part of z are positive?

This is what I think:
If the complex number z is z=a+ib then the absolute value is |z|=sqrt(a^2+b^2)=k

If a and b or a or b were negative, the absolute value would still be positive.

Am I anywhere near the answer?

Appreciate your help.


You're almost there:
& \sqrt{a^2+b^2} = k \\[10pt]
& a^2+b^2 = k^2 \\[10pt]
& a^2 = k^2 - b^2 \\[10pt]

& a = \sqrt{k^2 - b^2}

and we don't need to say $\text{“}{\pm}\text{''}$ because we know $a\ge0.$

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