Thursday, 29 October 2015

elementary set theory - There exists an injection from $X$ to $Y$ if and only if there exists a surjection from $Y$ to $X$.

Theorem. Let $X$ and $Y$ be sets with $X$ nonempty. Then (P) there exists an injection $f:X\rightarrow Y$ if and only if (Q) there exists a surjection $g:Y\rightarrow X$.

For the P $\implies$ Q part, I know you can get a surjection $Y\to X$ by mapping $y$ to $x$ if $y=f(x)$ for some $x\in X$ and mapping $y$ to some arbitrary $\alpha\in X$ if $y\in Y\setminus f(X)$. But I don't know about the Q $\implies$ P part.

Could someone give an elementary proof of the theorem?


There is no really elementary proof, since this is in fact independent of the "constructive" part of the usually axioms of set theory.

However if one has a basic understanding of the axiom of choice then one can easily construct the injection. The axiom of choice says that if we have a family of non-empty sets then we can choose exactly one element from each set in our family.

Suppose that $g\colon Y\to X$ is a surjection then for every $x\in X$ there is some $y\in Y$ such that $g(y)=x$. I.e., the set $\{y\in Y\mid g(y)=x\}$ is non-empty.

Now consider the family $\Bigg\{\{y\in Y\mid g(y)=x\}\ \Bigg|\ x\in X\Bigg\}$, by the above sentence this is a family of non-empty sets, and using the axiom of choice we can choose exactly one element from every set. Let $y_x$ be the chosen element from $\{y\in Y\mid g(y)=x\}$. Let us see that the function $f(x)=y_x$ is injective.

Suppose that $y_x=y_{x'}$, in particular this means that both $y_x$ and $y_{x'}$ belong to the same set $\{y\in Y\mid g(y)=x\}$ and this means that $x=g(y_x)=g(y_{x'})=x'$, as wanted.

Some remarks:

The above proof uses the full power of the axiom of choice, we in fact construct an inverse to the injection $g$. However we are only required to construct an injection from $X$ into $Y$, which need not be an inverse of $g$ -- this is known as The Partition Principle:

If there exists a surjection from $Y$ onto $X$ then there exists an injection from $X$ into $Y$

It is still open whether or not the partition principle implies the axiom of choice, so it might be possible with a bit less than the whole axiom of choice.

However the axiom of choice is definitely needed. Without the axiom of choice it is consistent that there exist two sets $X$ and $Y$ such that $Y$ has both an injection into $X$ and a surjection onto $X$, but there is no injection from $X$ into $Y$.

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