Thursday, 21 July 2016

calculus - How can we come up with the definition of natural logarithm?

I learned calculus for 2 years, but still don't understand the definition of ln(x)


I can't make sense of this definition. How can people find it? Do you have any intuition?


We want a function that changes multiplication into addition. That is, we want f(xy)=f(x)+f(y).

Substituting y=1, we get f(x)=f(x)+f(1), so we know that f(1)=0.

Now, let's suppose that f is differentiable. After all, we want to find as nice a function as possible. Let's hold y constant for the moment, and differentiating (1) gives yf(xy)=f(x)f(xy)f(x)=1y

Now it's not hard to guess that f(x)=1/x fills the bill, and together with f(1)=0, the fundamental theorem of calculus gives us the definition.

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