I'm interested in the following sum Sn.
Letting Tn:=Sn/nn, wolfram tells us the followings.
Then, here is my expectation.
My expectation:
It seems obvious, so I've tried to prove this, but I'm facing difficulty. Then, here is my question.
Question: Could you show me how to find \lim_{n\to\infty}{T_n} if it exists?
Let n\ge 3. Look at the top. The sum of the terms up to and including (n-2)^{n-2} is \le (n-2)(n-2)^{n-2}. The next term is (n-1)^{n-1} and the last is of course n^n.
So our ratio is \gt 1 and less than
\frac{(n-2)(n-2)^{n-2}}{n^n} +\frac{(n-1)^{n-1}}{n^n}+1.\tag{1}
The limit of each of the first two terms of (1) is 0. For the first term is less than \dfrac{n\cdot n^{n-2}}{n^n}=\dfrac{1}{n} and the second is also \lt \dfrac{1}{n}.
The result now follows by Squeezing.
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