Monday, 18 July 2016

combinatorics - Probability of picking all elements in a set

I was studying the birthday paradox and got curious about a related, but slightly different problem. Lets say I have a set S, that has n unique elements. If I randomly pick k elements from the set (assuming equal probability of picking any element), the probability that I'll have picked all the elements in the set, when k=n is n!/n^n.

Now, what would be the value of k for probability of picking all elements in the set to be > 0.9 (or some constant).

A simpler variation would be - how many times should I flip a coin to have a probability > 0.9 to have thrown heads and tails at least once.


Your first question is about a famous problem called the
Coupon Collector's Problem.

Look in the Wikipedia write-up, under tail estimates. That will give you enough information to estimate, with reasonable accuracy, the k that gives you a 90 percent chance of having seen a complete collection of coupons.

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