Sunday, 17 July 2016

general topology - Specific example of a space that is separable but not second countable.

A toplogical space X is said to be second countable
if there exists a countable basis for the topology.

X is separable if there exist a countable dense subset.

Show that a second countable space always is separable.

Give an example of a space that is separable but not
second countable

The first part was easy and i managed to solve it on my own

Assume that X is second countable and let B1,B2,B3...
be a countable basis. Construct the set A by taking one

element xn out of every Bn. Then A becomes dense because
every open set U contain a Bn which in turn contain the
element xn in A.

Again, like in the question i posted yesterday, i had trouble to come up with an example but our
professor gave an example during the last lecture but
i dont fully understand it:

"For an example of a separable but not second countable
space let X be the real line provided with the cofinite
topology, i.e. where a set is open if its either empty
or if its complement is finite.

Then every infinite set is dense and hence X is separable.

But for an arbitrary countable family of open sets
U1,U2... write Ui=X\ Ai, where Ai is finite,
there is an element xX\ (iAi), because Ai is countable,

such that the open set X\ {x} is then not able
to contain any Ui. Consequently X is not second countable."

We asked him to explain it in more detail but his english is poor
and nobody understood anything...:)

Def: A subset A of a topological space X is dense in X if for any point x in X, any neighborhood of x contains at least one point from A.

1. "Then every infinite set is dense"

Take A to be one of these infinite sets. If xAX then it trivially fulfills the definition. But if we take a xA why is it not possible to find a neighborhood in these finite sets that does not contain an element in A?

edit: its obvious if it is only open neighborhoods, open sets in the topology, but that is not specified in the definition.

2. I am not fully understanding this either

"But for an arbitrary countable family of open sets
U1,U2... write Ui=X\ Ai, where Ai is finite,
there is an element xX\ (iAi), because Ai is countable,
such that the open set X\ {x} is then not able
to contain any Ui. Consequently X is not second countable."

Is it possible to express this in a simpler way?


Let τ be the cofinite topology on R. The members of τ (i.e., the open sets in this space) are , the empty set, and all subsets of R of the form RF, where F is any finite subset of R.

Now let A be any infinite subset of R, and let xRA. Suppose that xUτ, i.e., that U is an open nbhd of x. Then by definition there is some finite set FR such that U=RF. That is, there are only finitely many real numbers — the members of F — that are not in U. The set A is infinite, so there must be some aAF. This real number a is not in F, so it is in U. Thus, UA. U was an arbitrary open nbhd of x, so we’ve shown that every open nbhd of x contains some element of A, and therefore xclA. As you’ve already pointed out, AclA, so we’ve now shown that every real number is in clA: clA=R, and hence A is dense in R.

This is true for every infinite subset A of R. In particular, it’s true for the countably infinite set N: N is dense in R in this topology, and since N is countable, R,τ is a separable space.

Now we need to show that the topology τ has no countable base. Suppose that B={Bn:nN} is a countable family of open sets in this space; we’ll show that B is not a base for τ by finding a Uτ that is not the union of members of B.

We can assume that the members of B are all non-empty: there’s never any need to include the empty set in a base for a topology. Thus, by the definition of the topology τ, for each nN there is a finite FnR such that Bn=RFn. Let A=nNFn; A is the union of countably many finite sets, so A is countable. R is uncountable, so there is some xRA. Let U=R{x}; the set {x} is finite, so by definition Uτ. Let nN be arbitrary; then xAFn, so xFn, and therefore xBn. But this means that xUBn for each nN. That is, x is not in any member of the family B, so no matter what subcollection of B we take, its union cannot contain x and therefore cannot be equal to U. This shows that B is not in fact a base for τ. And since we’ve done this far an arbitrary countable subset B of τ, we’ve shown that τ has no countable base and hence that R,τ is not second countable.

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