Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Real Analysis Sequence limit

Consider the following sequence:


a) Prove by induction that all terms of the sequence are bounded above by two.

b) Show that this sequence converges.

c) Calculate it's limit.

I'm having trouble with (c). How can I do it using the definition of a limit of a sequence?

Here are my answers for (a) and (b):


The sequence can be defined as:
Now let's prove by induction. The base case, where n=1, we have immediately that 2<2.
Let's then suppose that xn<2. Then we have:


(b) Since xn+1=2+xn we can see that xn+1>xn therefore that's a monotonic sequence. In (a) we showed that it is bounded above, and because xn+1>xn we can say that |xn|<2, hence the sequence is bounded above and below. By Monotone Convergence Theorem, the sequence converges.

(c) From definition of limit of a sequence:

ϵ>0,n0N such that n>n0|xnL|<ϵ

Now I need to find L... How can I apply that definition to find the limit?


In the last point you should not use the ϵδ definition. You know that the limit exists. Let it be L. Then

or 2+L=L2, L2L2=0, (L2)(L+1)=0. But L>0, so L=2.

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