Saturday, 20 August 2016

combinatorics - Proving sumjt=1sumtr=1(1)r+tbinomj1t1binomt1r1f(r)=f(j)

I've run into the following identity and trying to prove it:

Let jN and f:NR, then

I've so far tried to find some connection with the multinomial theorem, since the product of the two binomials in the expression is just multinomial (j1k1,k2,k3). So perhaps something like (f(j)1+1)j1, but it does not quite fit. I am missing something, any ideas how to proceed?

Edit: Further attempt, trying to collect "coefficients" of f(r) yields

It should be enough to show that this is 1 when j=r and 0 otherwise. First one is simple
but how to show it is equal to 0 in other cases (jr) ...


We seek to verify that


Exchange sums to obtain


Now we get for the inner coefficient


This yields for the sum


We get


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