Sunday, 21 August 2016

Help with functional equation F(x,x)+F(x,cx)F(cx,x)F(cx,cx)=0

How can we find F satisfying: exists a c such that F(x,x)+F(x,cx)F(cx,x)F(cx,cx)=0 for all x,y

Several quadratic polynomials in x,y satisfy the above property. I'm trying to generate more examples of functions that satisfy it. I will be very grateful for any other examples.

The property says there is one c that works for all x but given F we have freedom to find a c that works. For example:

  1. If F(x,y)=Ax2+By2+Cxy+Dx+Ey+F and A+C0 we set c=2DA+C and one can easily verify F satisfy the functional equation.

  2. Also if F(x,y)=(A+By)x2+Cy2+Dxy+Ex+Fy+H there are two values of c.

  3. As Jeb pointed in the comments if F(x,y) is even in x and also even in y then c=0 works.

My first idea was to try to transform the equation into a PDE by differentiating wrt x but we do not get a PDE because we are evaluating F at different points: x and cx. Honestly, I'm not even sure of what tags to use.


For any function, F(x,y), define the function g(x,c) satisfying


We therefore require that c s.t. x, g(x,c)=0.

If we let x=z+c2 and ˆF(x,y)=F(x+c2,y+c2), then we have
Therefore, without loss of generality, we can consider the case of c=0, for which we require that ˆg(z,0)=0. In this case, we may split the even and odd components of our function in each of the two dimensions, thus giving us
From which (letting ˆg(x,c)=ˆg(x,0)=G(x)), we may determine that
Therefore, the requirement is that B(x,x)=0. Recall that B(x,y) represents the component of ˆF(x,y) that is even in y and odd in x. This provides us with a "natural" method of creating a solution. Given a function ˆF(x,y), we can find B(x,y) as
and therefore, we may define a modified function

Note that this leads to a result identical to that given by Ewan Delanoy, it is merely expressed in a different manner. For a more "natural" solution, we can require that B(x,y)=0, and thus define
From here, we may choose any c, and shift the function so that
and we have a solution for a given c. Notice that, for
with c=2D2A+C we have
which, you can see, does not have the x term, which is the only term in a bivariate quadratic polynomial that is even in y and odd in x. Note the 2A+C on the denominator of c - the value given in the question is incorrect.

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