Wednesday, 24 August 2016

integration - Using Complex Analysis to Compute inti0nftyfracdxx1/2(x2+1)

I am aware that there is a theorem which states that for $0

My attempt is the following: Let's take f(z)=1z1/2(z2+1) as the complexification of our integrand. Define γR=γ1R+γ2R+γ3R, where γ1R(t)=t for t from 1/R to R; γ2R(t)=1Reit, where t goes from π/4 to 0 ; and γ3R(t)=eπi/4t, where t goes from R to 1/R (see drawing).enter image description here

The poles of the integrand are at 0,±i, but those are not contained in the contour, so by the residue theorem γRf(z)dz=0. On the other hand, γR=γ1R+γ2R+γ3R. As R, γ1Rf(z)dz01x1/2(x2+1)dx. Also, = |γ2Rf(z)dz|π4R1R21 and the lattest expression tends to 0 as R. However, γ3Rf(z)=i1/RRtdt=i/R2iR22, which is unbounded in absolute value for large R.

Is there a better contour to choose? If so, what is the intuition for finding a good contour in this case?


For this, you want the keyhole contour γ=γ1γ2γ3γ4, which passes along the positive real axis (γ1), circles the origin at a large radius R (γ2), and then passes back along the positive real axis (γ3), then encircles the origin again in the opposite direction along a small radius-ϵ circle (γ4). Picture (borrowed from this answer):

enter image description here

γ1 is green, γ2 black, γ3 red, and γ4 blue.

It is easy to see that the integrals over the large and small circles tend to 0 as R, ϵ0, since the integrand times the length is O(R3/2) and O(ϵ1/2) respectively. The remaining integral tends to
because we have walked around the origin once, and chosen the branch of the square root based on this. This simplifies to
Now you need to compute the residues of the function at the two poles, using the same branch of the square root. The residues of 1/(1+z2)=1(z+i)(zi) are at z=eπi/2,e3πi/2, so you find

However, I do recommend that you don't attempt to use contour integration for all such problems: imagine trying to do
for general a,b,s,m,n such that it converges, using that method! No, the useful thing to know is that
which enables you to do more general integrals of this type. Contour integration's often a quick and cheap way of doing simple integrals, but becomes impractical in some general cases.

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