I came across this integral while doing a different problem:
$$ \int_0^1\frac{1}{2y} \ln (y)\ln^2(1-y) \, dy$$
I think we can evaluate this integral by differentiating the common integral representation of the beta function, but it seems to get a bit messy.
We start by introducing the integral
where $B$ denotes the beta function. Note that this integral is singular at $a=0$ and $b=-1$. Since $\partial_a y^a=y^a\ln y$ we are
led to calculate
\partial_{a,b,b}I(a,b)=\frac{1}{2}\int_0^1 y^{a-1}(1-y)^b\ln y\bigl(\ln(1-y)\bigr)^2\,dy
as $a$ and $b$ tend to $0$. We will below inser the "non-dangerous" point $b=0$. In other words, we want to calculate
\partial_{a,b,b}B(a,1+b)\mid_{a\to 0^+,b\to 0}.
When differentiating the beta function, polygammas appear. Indeed,
Next, we can actually insert $b=0$ before we differentiate with respect to
$a$ and take the limit $a\to 0$. We should differentiate the function (here we have used the facts that $\psi_0(1)=-\gamma$ (Euler's constant) and that $\psi_1(1)=\pi^2/6$)
and calculate $\lim_{a\to 0^+}f'(a)$. We get that
Next, we use the (non-obvious) expansions around $a=0$
to find that, as $a\to0^+$,
f'(a)&\approx -\frac{1}{a^2}\Bigl(\bigl(\frac{\pi^2}{6}a\bigr)^2-\psi_2(1)a-\frac{\pi^4}{30}a^2\Bigr)+\frac{1}{a}\Bigl(2\frac{\pi^2}{6}a\frac{\pi^2}{6}-\psi_2(1)-\frac{\pi^4}{15}a\Bigr)+O(a)\\
as $a\to 0^+$. We conclude that
\partial_{a,b,b}B(a,1+b)\mid_{a\to 0^+,b\to 0}=-\frac{\pi^4}{180}.
Finally, dividing by $2$ (remember, we had a one-half in front of the beta function in the beginning), we get that
\int_0^1\frac{1}{2y}\ln y(\ln(1-y))^2\,dy=-\frac{1}{360}\pi^4.
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