Tuesday, 1 September 2015

abstract algebra - Help justifying that $mathbb Q(sqrt[3]{2})$ is not a splitting field over $mathbb Q$.

In a question related to introductory Galois theory, I was asked to given an example of a tower of fields $F \subset K \subset E$ such that $E$ is a splitting field for some polynomial $f(x) \in F[x]$, but that $K$ need not be a splitting field. The example that comes to mind for me is $\mathbb Q \subset \mathbb Q(\sqrt[3]{2}) \subset \mathbb Q(\omega_3, \sqrt[3]{2})$.

So I know that the minimal polynomial for $\mathbb Q(\omega_3, \sqrt[3]{2})$ over $\mathbb Q$ is $x^3-2$. This polynomial does not split in the intermediate field $\mathbb Q(\sqrt[3]{2})$.

I wanted to make sure that I'm justifying that this intermediate field is not a splitting field correctly. Now I may be confused about the books terminology. When we say something is not a splitting field, we always have to refer to a specific polynomial correct? I've read a term called a normal extension which I think refers to one in which every polynomial splits, but my book doesn't mention these.

If splitting field means with respect to the polynomial $x^3-2$, then I've already demonstrated that $\mathbb Q(\sqrt[3]{2})$ is not a splitting field. Also, it couldn't be a normal extension either because that polynomial doesn't split.

Does it sound like I'm understanding this correctly or are there some subtleties I might be missing?

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